The TARDIS lands on the Ingalls farm, and gets mistaken for a fancy new outhouse.
Tag Archives: TARDIS
An Accidental Meeting
After being called back to Earth by U.N.I.T., the 12th
Doctor runs into his 4th incarnation and Romana.
Crossover Time: They put a Spell on Who…
Last Friday Night | Team TARDIS (Ponds)
A beautifully done music video done back in 2011 and featured in our Five & Dime Fangirls Who Crack Video Track project at Gallifrey One in 2012, Last Friday Night can still bring up all those feels of the best of the 11th Doctor, Matt Smith era. River Song haters beware – she’s in here a bit, but that’s because she ruled!
And now…
A Letter to Mr. Steven Moffat
Dear Mr. Moffat,
As you may know, most of the fan base for Doctor Who would love to see the return of Classic Era companions, and with most of them getting up there in age you are swiftly running out of time with regards to the earlier actors from the series. I’ve seen a lot of talk on Facebook and other social media that would love to see Carol Ann Ford return as Susan, the Doctor’s granddaughter, and you’ve already set up an appearance for William Russel as Ian Chesterton by making him the headmaster of Coal Hill school.
Any and all past Companions would be great to see. I, myself, would love to see Frazer Hines & Wendy Padbury return as Jamie McCrimmon & Zoe Heriot.
In the Case of the 3rd Doctor’s companions, sadly only 3 still live: Katy Manning, Richard Franklin, and John Levene…despite having only these three left, an appearance by Jo Gran
t, Mike Yates, or Benton would still be great. Sadly with the passing of Nicholas Courtney & Elisabeth Sladen, the Brigadier & Sarah Jane are forever lost to any new appearances on the series, but I could see you having a guest appearance by Tommy Knight as Luke Smith telling the Doctor of the passing of Sarah Jane. And, of course, I loved the Cyber-Brigadier appearance in “Death in Heaven.”
With these suggestions and all the past companions that are still living, any would be a welcome nod to the past.
With much appreciation for you vision and dedication to Doctor Who,
The Second Geekhood Squad
Mad Woman
AFOL Husband
Sonics & Bionics
Remembering the Past
Doctor Who Series 6 reviews – as River Song would say, SPOILERS!
UPDATE: New Review for “The Doctor’s Wife”!
Because so many have not yet seen the first or current episode of the new season of Doctor Who, I am adding a link here to the page where I’ll be keeping all of the reviews. Also, it does not show up on the RSS feed (as far as I have checked), hence the need to include a link here in the regular feed so if you DO want to read it, you can know it exists. Enjoy!