Tag Archives: second geekhood
Crossover Time: The Wizard and the Time Lord
“Broken Heart,” Chapter 4
Tale Weaver concludes his four-part Twilight and Spike story, “Broken Heart!” Click here to read the epic finale.
He hopes you enjoy reading it as much as he enjoyed writing it! Don’t forget, you can also follow Tale Weaver on Facebook. We’re sure he’d like to be your friend!
“Broken Heart,” Chapter 3
“Broken Heart”, Chapter 2
Ready for more Twilight and Spike adventures? Chapter two of Tale Weaver’s, “Broken Heart” is up. You can read it here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/292540/2/broken-heart/chapter-2
Chapter three to follow next week and four the week after that. Come on, everypony, give a Canterlot librarian pony some love!
I’m not Dead Yet, I’m getting Published Online
So it’s been a while since I put up any My Little Pony articles. I’ve been covering all the weekly shorts from Hasbro Studios that were suppose to run up all the way to the premier of “The Friendship Games”. Then suddenly, we were three weeks short! I’ll have to put up a review of the third Equestria Girls movie later.
However, I haven’t been idle. I’ve been working on a steampunk screenplay and a Christmas novel. And when I need a break from both of those, my pony OC (Original Character), Tale Weaver, takes over. He just finished his first My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfic. You can check out Chapter One of “Broken Hearts” here!
I’ll be posting a chapter a week until all four are up. Don’t worry, the story is already complete, so I won’t leave you hanging.
You can also check out Tale Weaver on Facebook here.
He’s a fan of Second Geekhood.
– The AFOL Husband
YouTube Geek Video of the Week: Star Trek Voyager 20th Reunion – Space City Comic Con 2015
Here is the long-awaited video Voyager fans have been wanting to see! Behold, the 20th Anniversary Star Trek: Voyager panel from Space City Comic Con in July 2015.
Crossover Time: Little TARDIS on the Prairie
BronyCon PMV – Good Morning Baltimare
I’ve been to a lot of conventions. Some of them have a video during the opening ceremony, like Gallifrey One. They’ve included things in the past like a message from show runner Steve Moffatt, and even a skit by Peter Davison (the 5th Doctor) where he misses his flight to L.A., goes to the Doctor Who Experience in London, gets in the Tardis there and then appears from the Tardis onstage at the con. Videos are a lot of work, animated videos even more so. Which means that even if you are not into MLP, you still have to admit this is impressive.
BronyCon 2015 was held August 7th – 9th at the Baltimore Convention Center. It is the largest MLP convention, topping out at over 9,000 attendees. There are a lot of wonderful videos to be found from BronyCon. Here, have some lines, cosplayers and John De Lancie:
Like what you see? Interested in signing up for next year’s BronyCon? You can do so over at Eventbrite.
-The AFOL Husband
MLP Behind the Scenes: Tina Gou
Equestria Daily recently put up four short videos of celloist Tina Guo recording a track for the 100th episode of My Little Pony. Here is one of them:
MLP has a wealth of talent, from the writers to the voice actors and singers. Those are the easy ones to spot, but sometimes it’s easy to miss the talent that goes into making the music tracks, from composer Danny Ingram to musicians like Ms. Guo. If you dig a little deeper into her Facebook page or YouTube channel, however, you’ll see exactly what kind of talent this show has to offer:
At the end of the video, she plays various genres from classical to heavy metal. Heavy metal cello, you say? Take a look:
Wow! Does Vinyl Scratch know about this? Maybe BonBon isn’t the only one with a secret identity.
-The AFOL Husband