They sure as hell do. I’m a 52-year old geek and my geekness has not diminished with age. It is as strong as the first day I saw an original run Star Trek episode when I was 6 years old. You do the math as to what year I was born from that – it’s late and I’m too tired. Today was a big day. The day we did our first serious photo and video shoot for the opening credits for Second Geekhood. I am ignoring the pain of a pulled muscle in my abdomen and the bed, heating pad and tylenol that await because I am too excited about what we did today and I don’t want to lose a treasured memory or second of it ’cause I can’t remember or get too busy in the morning to commit to history what we did here tonight.
Yes, old geeks dream and that’s what keeps them young – the same thing that has me clicking away at the keyboard long after my cohorts Madwoman and AFOL Husband went to sleep. The excitement of it all. The fact that this year is another banner year for science fiction and fantasy in all the media we are swimming in these days…t.v., internet, smartphones and the silver screen. Especially this year for me because the long-awaited new genesis of Star Wars is J.J. Abrams gift to the world. I may have entered this world of the popular arts at 6 years old and made my first costume when I was 10 (yes, 10!), but my Inner Geek didn’t come exploding out until the later age of 14 when Star Wars changed EVERYTHING.
Think about that a moment. Thirty-seven years later I will still get that butterflies-in-the-stomach as John Williams music floods my ears and the beloved opening crawl of words fills my eyes with its magic. If you are a geek, you will understand how we can still be in love with the thing that touched us most in our teenage years. If you’re not a geek, think back to how you loved the music of that era, or the clothing, or the food, or how you felt so invincible as a teen. Nothing, but NOTHING takes away such special, touching memories.
And nothing but NOTHING will take the magic of Star Wars away from me, as a geek. Not the worst of the worst sequels that came after, or the bad merchandising or the terrible scripts, because in the end, it isn’t about ANY of that.
It’s about the magic. It’s for the magic it stirred in my heart that I dedicated this website and it’s love of fandom to. With all my Geeky heart!
May its Force be with You.