Tardis Girls…OMG are they cute or what!!??
The ribbon whore as of Saturday afternoon.
The Grapes of Wrathalon
Would you believe this is his first convention and first costume? Great job!
Beautiful detail on the Masters robe.
Hmmm…they must be writers. When we first saw them, they had drinks in their hands. We could tell they were writers from that and the English accents, but in case you missed those clues, well, they wanted to make it easier for us to spot them. They were very friendly, by the way.
Where the hell did this woman get so many ribbons already? The convention hasn’t even officially started yet!!!
My Tonner doll has already found his TARDIS…proof that the Doctor can find it anywhere in the universe.
The first costume we saw coming into the convention. Very nice and proof that Dr. River Song drinks.
5th Doctor & Captain Jack Harkness cosplayers. Very nice.
Ah, Facebook. strikes again. Attack of the 50-foot TARDIS!!!
Update – the comments to this pic have been coming thick and fast on LiveJournal all day. I’ve amused myself by watching them grow. This one I love not just because of the comment, but because the user icon that goes with it is so darn funny!
They have an insanely creative side over there that makes me feel right at home.
Hey, this isn’t as easy as it looks, but it is probably just as tasty…
Source – the creative ladies who exist over at LiveJournal, namely evergleam83.
Catching up on Doctor Who news after being sick and flat on your back five days can be a good thing when you find little gems in your video stash that haven’t seen the light of day in a while. I still love this one and am sure not everyone has seen it yet. This is for my Sister and her kids who have been asking me for favorite Doctor Who blogs they might enjoy.
“In the episode Amy’s Choice, the Doctor is seen to take various items (Including and Egg-whisk and a Corkscrew) to make a generator out of a box in the TARDIS, which is labelled ‘TARDIS, Time and Relative Dimension in Space, Build Site: Gallifrey Blackhole Shipyard, Type 40 Build Date: 1963, Authorised for use by qualified Time Lords only by the Shadow Proclamation, Misuse or Theft of any TARDIS will result in extreme penalties and possible exile’.”
~ taken from the “TARDIS” Wikipedia entry on wikipedia.org
Saturday’s preview for the upcoming episode “Amy’s Choice” with the images of a frozen TARDIS interior and a hypothermic Matt Smith haunted me. These are the result. Click on the images to pull up the full size wallpapers, then right click on that image to save them. Let me know if you enjoyed them & please give credit wheverer possible.