About two weeks ago, I started doing something different in the meditation I adapted from my 12-week Black Belt in Excellence Training. This is something that was so ALIEN to me, I literally had no idea how to do it and only did it by sheer accident on one project before in my life in the year 2001.
I opened myself up to the universe and the world of potentiality and possibility.
Sitting on the edge of my bed, getting ready to meditate, I had no clue how to go about this. Sure, I could say the words, but would that be enough if I didn’t know how to follow through with action? With outstretched arms, my face tilted to the ceiling, I took deep, grounding breaths, declared my intentions and tried my darndest to imagine what it would be like, at least, to “let go”.
You can only imagine how insanely hard this is when you think of something similar in your own life that everyone said “was only natural”, yet you looked at them like they just grew a horn out of the middle of their head. I.E. – “how in hell do *I* do that?!?” People can blab away all they want in telling you the mechanics, to “just do it” and it will still seem like nuclear physics if you have no point of reference in your own experience.
Still, when something is supposed to be “natural”, and you have faith that the process just works without understanding why or how it works, there is alway hope you’ll figure it out. I am way ahead of the game since I went through a 12-week course in understanding how the process works, but that is still a bit short of actually putting the knowledge into motion. Energy and the Universe take you a LOT MORE seriously when you get off your hiney and do something about it!
I am not talking about a particular hobby or skill, because those are all unique to each individual. I am talking about the Laws of Attraction, Potentiality Possibility, Reflection and Emanation. Weird words if you are not used to them, but getting used to them might just change your life in ways you can neither imagine nor accomplish any other way.
These past two weeks have reminded me what I can do when I look at challenges with a child’s point of view. They don’t understand why they can’t do something. They try and try and try and try until the thing happens. As a child, I practiced every day for what seemed like weeks or months to try to whistle until suddenly one day I did it. And what a loud whistle I whistled when I did it! It was AWESOME!
So, what has happened these past two weeks to make me believe I am finally, after 47 years, really, TRULY opening up and the universe is not only listening, but is throwing new options my way? What I have needed has begun to come to me, begun to flow. Potential clients I have been chasing for literally more than a year have ALL come out of the proverbial woodwork and at last moved on their projects. New projects more profitable than I have ever had before are blossoming before my eyes. The options are coming at last, but there are so many, I think I may need a bigger net.
AFTERWORD – okay, I am now, officially creeped out, or excited. I’m not sure which to be. As soon as I finished this entry – that literal second I finished the word, “net”, my fax machine rang! It is hooked up to the house phone and only rings when the phone rings AND THE PHONE DIDN’T RING JUST NOW!
‘excuse me – the Universe just ran my fax machine…better go answer it!