If anyone is wondering why the posts stopped abruptly December, it started with the annual upper respiratory crap that hits that month in a precise, regular rhythm that I cannot seem to kick. It was a bad one that lasted for two weeks and the cough for a month and a half. This of course, ruined my Christmas, birthday AND New Year’s Eve. Ah well.
Then things went downhill from there.
I’ll spare everyone the financial woes…they’re just too depressing to go into and are not unusual amongst everyone I talk to. We in the house are being quoted “Yana” by everyone Who Fan and non-Who Fan alike – You Are Not Alone.
Thank God for Gallifrey, LobbyCon of which starts today. Time to dive into four days of studiously ignorning the challenges that will hit us like the right cross of a Cyberman after the con.
I just hope I can duck the blows with grace and survive.