This edit was a forgone conclusion. Once I saw this picture of John Barrowman & Stephen Amell from the CW’s Arrow, I knew the Doctor had to be added. Hope you all enjoy it.
Tag Archives: second geekhood
Cosplay Re-Enactment Win!
As a kid, one of my favorite comics was the Justice League. And my favorite issue has to be #5, the Showdown between Batman & Guy Gardner. At Justice League headquarters, Gardner confronts Batman again about giving leadership of the team over to Gardner. Batman provokes Gardner to fight him. Gardner removes his power ring, lunges at Batman, and is knocked out by a single punch from the Dark Knight. With Gardner sleeping on the floor and out of the way, they attempt to commence with their meeting.
Back in February of 2013, while searching for images of my All-Time favorite Green Lantern G’nort (in re-enactment picture), I found this picture of a Cosplay reenactment of the One Punch Knock-Out of Guy Gardner by Batman!
Equestria L.A. – Chomping at the Bit
Equestria L.A. (September 4-6, 2015) is one of the cons Time Siren and I are saving up our bits for. It will be our first My Little Pony con. Even if you aren’t into MLP, you have to admit it’s quite a phenomena. When looking up a pony con near us, I found that there were twenty seven in the U.S. last year alone, and that doesn’t count all the ones from Germany to Japan. Not bad for a half-hour show, aimed at kids, with only four full seasons under it’s belt, and it’s 100th episode coming up.
If you live in the L.A. area, or can make it to Anaheim, you might want to check out our local pony con. Here is some of the latest news they’ve been posting:
June 4: Amy Keating Rogers Rogers returns to EQLA. Ms. Rogers is a writer that has been with the show since it’s first season. Her credits include, “Applebuck Season,” “Bridle Gossip,” “A Dog and Pony Show,” “The Best Night Ever,” “The Last Roundup,” and “Filli Vanilli.”
June 3: Book a room at Equestria L.A.s venue, the Anaheim Hilton and get a hotel key adorned with Andy Price’s art. This is something I have never seen in almost three decades of con going: an electronic hotel room key with exclusive convention art on it! Now, that’s a souvenier!
May 21: FinalDraft to host VA panel. FinalDraft is the premier software program for screen writing. I’ve never seen them host a panel at any other convention. I’m impressed.
May 20: EQLA is offering discount #TwilightTickets for evening entry into Disneyland. If you’re not familiar with area, The Hilton and Anaheim convention center are literally across the street from the Disneyland Resort.
May 19: The original creator of My Little Pony, Bonnie Zacherle, will be at the convention.
You can check out all the news and details at the Equestria L.A. FaceBook page, or on their website. Admission is $60.00 for the weekend, which is pretty standard for a con. While at the website, check out the pictures of their two previous cons. TimeSiren and I are going to go so broke in the dealers’ room…
– The AFOL Husband
What would Classic Sci-fi look like if…
Have you ever wondered what some of the older Science Fiction series would look like if they were made if other countries? Doctor Who made with an American Time Lords with Texan accents. Or Lost in Space made in Turkey. Here is my take on The Greatest American Hero that I would’ve love to watch. The Greatest Scottish Hero Starring John Barrowman!
Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race
Can’t wait for the next Total Drama Island? Well, maybe this will hold you over: Total Drama The Ridonculous Race. This is not TDI season 6, but a spin off from the same creators. With a new cast and host, it is a spoof of “The Incredible Race” type reality shows. It follows eighteen teams of two as they race around the world for a cash prize of one million dollars. Apparently it’s already being aired on Teletoons in Canada and will eventually be on Cartoon Network in the states.
Canadian Geekateers: If you’ve seen it, please leave a review. Otherwise, here is pretty much what we know so far on Wikipedia.
The AFOL Husband
New Steven Universe site
Ever since the dawn of time – well, since I became a brony last year – Equestria Daily has given us the latest news from Ponyville and pony fandom. Now, the same people have launched a new site for Steven Universe fans: Beach City Bugle
-The ALOF Husband
MLP Episode 100 teaser – Well, That Ship Just Set Sail
Shipping characters, or supporting the real or imagined romantic relationship of certain characters in a fandom, has been around since Classic Trek. However, the term “shipping” has only been commonly used in more recent years, and nowhere have I seen it more prevalent than in the My Little Pony universe. Fluttershy and Big Mac (my favorite), Fluttershy and Discord (Time Siren’s favorite), Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon, Dr. Whooves and Derpy…the list goes on.
You see it in art work, fanfic, and fan videos. One of the most popular ships of background ponies has been Octavia and Vinyl Scratch/DJ Pon-3. They are constantly put together as roommates or something more. This clip from the upcoming 100th episode finally make this fan-created ship canon (well, the roommate part).
There is a lot of speculation if Vinyl will finally speak in this episode, and if you’ve think you’ve heard her speak, check again: we’ve only seen her speak in fan videos. If I’m not mistaken, we’ve never heard Octavia speak either. Despite that, Vinyl has been pulled up from the background several times during the show, has her own music video, and played an important part in the Equestia Girls Rainbow Rocks movie.
Check out the comments on the Equestria Daily page…my favorite is “There aren’t enough FedEx Trucks in the world to ship this.”
And finally, a big #secondgeekhood shout out to composer Danny Ingram for combining classic cello and Techno so awesomely!
For the Love of Spock documentary
Back around Thanksgiving of last year, Leonard Nimoy & his son, Adam, started talking about how the 50th anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series would soon be here. They also talked about how there had never been a documentary of Star trek based around the character of Mr. Spock…so they did something about it. Father and son conceived the idea for the film, and Zachary Quinto agreed to narrate it.
As talks and negotiations progressed, and as all Trek fans sadly know, on February 27th, 2015 Leonard Nimoy passed away due to end stage COPD. With the show of fan support for Leonard & his family after his passing, Adam has made the documentary not just about Spock, but also about his father.
Adam has continued to work on the project since his fathers passing and is now to the point where he requires funding to do the bulk of the work on the film. Adam is asking for help from us all to complete his father idea of the documentary. So, to that end, he has start a Kickstarter campaign to fund the project. You will have until
A Letter to Mr. Steven Moffat
Dear Mr. Moffat,
As you may know, most of the fan base for Doctor Who would love to see the return of Classic Era companions, and with most of them getting up there in age you are swiftly running out of time with regards to the earlier actors from the series. I’ve seen a lot of talk on Facebook and other social media that would love to see Carol Ann Ford return as Susan, the Doctor’s granddaughter, and you’ve already set up an appearance for William Russel as Ian Chesterton by making him the headmaster of Coal Hill school.
Any and all past Companions would be great to see. I, myself, would love to see Frazer Hines & Wendy Padbury return as Jamie McCrimmon & Zoe Heriot.
In the Case of the 3rd Doctor’s companions, sadly only 3 still live: Katy Manning, Richard Franklin, and John Levene…despite having only these three left, an appearance by Jo Gran
t, Mike Yates, or Benton would still be great. Sadly with the passing of Nicholas Courtney & Elisabeth Sladen, the Brigadier & Sarah Jane are forever lost to any new appearances on the series, but I could see you having a guest appearance by Tommy Knight as Luke Smith telling the Doctor of the passing of Sarah Jane. And, of course, I loved the Cyber-Brigadier appearance in “Death in Heaven.”
With these suggestions and all the past companions that are still living, any would be a welcome nod to the past.
With much appreciation for you vision and dedication to Doctor Who,
The Second Geekhood Squad
Mad Woman
AFOL Husband
Discord’s in Love, Discord’s in Love!
We already know, Discord. We already know…