Tag Archives: doctor who
Busy Day for Doctor Who
Wednesday was a busy day for Doctor Who news. I awoke to this amusing article on Facebook & LIve Journal – “NASA discovers Doctor Who’s crack in the middle of the Milky Way” and several new trailers for this Saturday’s episode, “The Pandorica Opens”. For those of you who don’t want spoilers, the YouTube videos will be hosted in a separate blog post here.
Amy's Choice – a review of our favorite episode (spoilers if you haven't seen the episode)
Don’t read this or click on this link if knowing about the episode before you see it if that kind of thing will freak you out.
Tonight I read the probable reason I have latched onto this episode as my neck-and-neck favorite with the premiere, “The Eleventh Hour”, and it has convinced me now to propel “Amy’s Choice” into the Number One spot on my favorites list. A review by a Live Journal contributor is a deep introspection into the story and roles of the Doctor, Amy and the Dream Lord in this episode that allow us as merely viewers to fully and truly find an emotional connection with its message that will evolve one’s appreciate for Doctor Who. It is not just someone looking for meaning that is not there. Steven Moffat doesn’t do things without a damn good reason – EVERYTHING in his Universe/Whoniverse has depth and meaning and layers that go deep under the surface, providing a rich and intelligent vehicle for our entertainment.
As just a taste of the indepth analysis into an episode that made me laugh, ponder and sob, here are a few tidbits:
“…this episode truly cements my thesis that 11th Doctor is a teacher/old wise man figure in the magical world of Time…he takes the role of the humbug Wizard, warping reality, torturing us seemingly pointlessly, leading us on a wild goose chase, all while hiding behind the curtain.”

The freezing cold in the TARDIS means more than physical danger for the Doctor (Matt Smith) and companions.
“…the freezing cold, (is) a beautiful symbol of the Doctor’s emotional coldness that threatens Amy. The Doctor can provide her with adventure and growth (as shown in the episode itself), but he cannot provide her with the love that Rory can.”
Last year I studied archetypes with Sensei Ron Thomas and because of those lessons, I completely get this. They are the lessons of life as it is experienced all over the planet, from simply being human, no matter what culture you are from, what continent or what race. Sad though it is that we need to see ourselves through the eyes of an alien Time Lord to fully recognize and appreciate this, it speaks to the richness of the world of Doctor Who and how it makes important cultural and psychological contributions to our growth as human beings.
Fanfic (10th and 11th Doctor) "To Claim His Reward"
Character/Pairing: 10, 11 and someone else implied (you don’t want me to spoil it, do you?)
Rating: G
Summary: he let the fires of regeneration consume him…but what happened next?
Word count: 662
Disclaimer: I don’t own the Doctors, but I do occasionally have them over to play with them and snog them senseless.
Spoilers: Well, if you haven’t seen the End of Time by now because you can’t bear to see David gone (like my roommate), this’ll be a love/hate story for ya.
If you are part of a community and want to read it there, use these links:
on Live Journal
on Fanfiction.net
Enjoy and comment. Thanks =D
9 new 10th Doctor matching episode icons & wallpaper
I know the 10/Rose relationship in the end is about the angst of him losing her (especially to his human clone) but just for once, I wanted to do one that was happy. I was so struck by the look of peace and contentment on his face in the last inset image I included in the wallpaper, I felt a need to celebrate that brief happiness to its fullest.
For Kristen…a great friend =)
(click on wallpaper image, then right-click on new image to save)
Who knew middle aged men could be such teases?
This photo showed up on LiveJournal this morning and was apparently plastered all over Twitter and Facebook after Neil Gaiman uploaded it to his Twitpic account. Fans are squeeing with delight at the announcement on the Doctor Who News Page that, “Gaiman has now completed his script for the 2011 series of Doctor Who, although the title is still secret.”
It bore the amusing caption of, “Who are these three middle aged men? Dear God, what are they plotting? Can no one save us? ”
Who wants to be saved, this gal wants to know?
As a side note of interest, Curtis is the author of “Vincent and the Doctor”, Episode Ten of the new series.
Doctor Who 2010 Series Episode Guide & Series Summary
So far we’ve had some fantastic episodes this season:
If you’re dying to know what’s coming up, check out the 2010 Series Summary courtesy of The Doctor Who News Page.
And if you want spoilers, here’s a sneak peak at what’s to come:
A great review of the episode, "Amy's Choice"
A great review of the episode, “Amy’s Choice”. Very indepth:
New Information on the TARDIS Interior
“In the episode Amy’s Choice, the Doctor is seen to take various items (Including and Egg-whisk and a Corkscrew) to make a generator out of a box in the TARDIS, which is labelled ‘TARDIS, Time and Relative Dimension in Space, Build Site: Gallifrey Blackhole Shipyard, Type 40 Build Date: 1963, Authorised for use by qualified Time Lords only by the Shadow Proclamation, Misuse or Theft of any TARDIS will result in extreme penalties and possible exile’.”
~ taken from the “TARDIS” Wikipedia entry on wikipedia.org
9 new Doctor Who "Amy's Choice" episode icons
Having too much fun with Photoshop today. Please credit if possible and drop a thanks to let me know you enjoyed them (and to stroke my ego). (Right click on them to save to your system.)