As soon as I put the fangirl icon up, I had two requests for a version for the fanboys, too. I am tickled to know you are out there…and am happy to accomodate. Enjoy!
Category Archives: Doctor Who Wallpapers and Icons
Gallifrey 6 days to go. Five and Dime icon and wallpaper set
Are you a Five & Dime Fangirl? Show the world and celebrate it every time you sit down at your computer with this awesome wallpaper & icon set.
Choose your screen resolution below, click on the link and when the image comes up, right click on it to save it to your desktop or make as your wallpaper. The icon is for use in forums and is just the right size for a Facebook avatar. If you use them, please tell everyone where you got them. Comments are loved, please drop a note in the comments section to let me know you enjoyed them and/or to request special custom designs. I am always happy to create them for fellow Doctor Who fans!
800 x 600 wallpaper
1024 x 768 wallpaper
1280 x 1024 wallpaper
Five & Dime Avatar/Icon
Gallifrey – 9 days and counting – 5 & Dime update!
Updates are going to come thick and fast now for our premiere video. I am toying with the idea of a phone app and desktop wallpaper and icons. I go with my strengths and the ‘paper and icons, once difficult to do, are now fun side-projects.
Promotion has launched full scale for The Five and Dime fangirls…I’ve shown a teaser to my coworkers and they’re not even going to the convention! Shows you how devoted (or insane) to the cause I am. I hovered over Dennis last night while he tackled Facebook for the first time in a year and a half, showing him how to “like” our posts, then I went in search of new venues to blitz. Gallifrey Base forums, here I come.
Oh, and I have orderded a little goodie for people that show up to our panel at Gallifrey. Keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll show up in time for the convention.
9 new 10th Doctor matching episode icons & wallpaper
I know the 10/Rose relationship in the end is about the angst of him losing her (especially to his human clone) but just for once, I wanted to do one that was happy. I was so struck by the look of peace and contentment on his face in the last inset image I included in the wallpaper, I felt a need to celebrate that brief happiness to its fullest.
For Kristen…a great friend =)
(click on wallpaper image, then right-click on new image to save)
9 new Doctor Who "Amy's Choice" episode icons
Having too much fun with Photoshop today. Please credit if possible and drop a thanks to let me know you enjoyed them (and to stroke my ego). (Right click on them to save to your system.)
8th Doctor Paul McGann Wallpaper & Matching Icons
Animated gif Heaven – 8th Doctor!
New 11th Doctor Matt Smith Wallpapers & Icon
Saturday’s preview for the upcoming episode “Amy’s Choice” with the images of a frozen TARDIS interior and a hypothermic Matt Smith haunted me. These are the result. Click on the images to pull up the full size wallpapers, then right click on that image to save them. Let me know if you enjoyed them & please give credit wheverer possible.